"How did Grammie used to do your hair?"
"Who was your best friend in second grade?"
"Did you ever get in trouble with your teacher?"
Daney wants to know all about her mommy as a Little Girl. She reads the books I read, dresses the dolls I dressed, asks me to describe the matching Holly Hobbie bedspreads my sister and I shared.
It was a lovely thing when Daney came home from a trip downtown yesterday and presented me with a perfectly wrapped gift.
Inside the silver box was this:
A little woolen angel with sequins and straw hair. Exactly what I would've bought myself when I was that age.
I don't know if Daney is just curious about her mommy's youth. Or if she wants to see how alike we are.
But I love that she loves the Little Girl in me. And I completely agree with her when she asks me if we'd be best friends.
9 years ago