Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Good things about a Bad Economy

While I really feel for folks who have lost hours or jobs in this recession, I have to think there are some good things about it.

Wait, look:

Do you find yourself rinsing out baggies and water bottles so you don't have to buy new ones? Your frugality is actually helping the environment.

The same goes for turning down/off your air conditioner.

Are you buying local produce to get fresh food that doesn't use pesticides or require transportation?

Have you signed up the kids for fewer activities? While you're saving money and gas, you're also spending more family time together.

This is true, too, if you've cut cable or movie memberships.

In that vein, are your kids aware of the economic crisis? Could spur some great family discussions, and their sense of thriftiness.

So instead of the kids playing on team sports and watching TV, they're thinking and talking. And reading and finding bugs in the yard. The kinds of things kids did before...well, okay, that's a different blog.

Plus, how's your work ethic? If you were lucky enough to keep your job, you're probably working pretty darn hard. And if you're at home, it's definitely the same.

Travel's cheap, and summer's here. Maybe you've planned a trip you never could've afforded. I offer this at the risk of being hypocritcal about the gas thing. Maybe the offset is family time, education, and appreciation for other cultures.

Speaking of that compassion, do you realize that while we are in this crisis, we are still living far above the conditions of most of the rest of the world? We are lucky, yes, lucky. Is there anything we can do for the less fortunate, even when we have less ourselves?

And education, incredible! The country is going back to school. My community college's predicted enrollment for fall? 150 percent increase!!!

I know times are tough. Believe me. This family hasn't been untouched by the recession.

But while money's been tight, there's been an opportunity to re-evaluate priorities, right?

We can choose to be worried and frustrated and anxious and angry. Or we can make the most of what we can for our families, the environment, and the world.


Anonymous said...

I couldn't have said it better! Also, less Mc Mansions being built and more remodeling of charming smaller homes retains some of the American "culture" that had been totally thrown away by the Big and Sprawling on tiny lots, where people isolated themselves in air conditioned castles with home theaters,etc, while the 4 wheel drive SUV's sat in the four car garages. I'm surprised the environmentalists hadn't gone after those trends.
I love to see kids outside using our parks and bike paths and open spaces. I think families will become closer by living more like the last 1 or 2 generations.
Also the lessening of credit card usage is a plus. And driving smaller cars. It's too bad an economic crisis had to be the catalyst for this, but as an optomist, I believe it will prove to be a "good thing" in the long run.
Carol M.

Jennie Englund said...

Exactly, Carol! Excellent ideas!

Have you read the book AFFLUENZA?

It was written for you!